Thursday, September 20, 2007

Educational blogging

Stephen refutes blogging being stereotyped as personal comments and observation by describing origin of blogging. I was surprise to find out that 9/11 was one of the turning point for blogging history. 9/11 event influenced many people's life and they used blogging to personalize this event.

Example of Harvard student Derek Slater's blog and lawsuit following the content of his blog, brings out a very good point. Where does the freedom of speech cross the line of defamation?

How do we get away from obligatory blogging from students and engage students to have "passionate" conversations and discussions? What is the teacher's learning objective for students where learning environment is set in blogging? Some topics or subjects are not suitable for blogging. Just because you have the learning tool, doesn't mean you are required to use it. Or instructors/teachers should use it creatively. I can't image students having a blog about derivatives.

Is blogging a delivery of learning content or a medium for discovering learning process? Both

Stephen's Educational blogging article was informative and engaging, and echoed questions.


Michelle said...

Hi Judi,
I was also surprised to find out that 9/11 was a turning point in blogging; I had no idea. I guess that shows that I'm a relative latecomer to the blogging sphere. I knew of its existence, but I think I've been fairly limited in the number of blogs I check on a daily basis-- up until now, I've only checked a few news-oriented blogs on a regular basis. I'm pleased to now be incorporating blogging into my educational practice, and to be participating in the blogosphere as a producer and not just a reader. It's unlikely I would have done so anytime soon without this class giving me a push in that direction. I'm enjoying the interactions with others I have on my blog, so I'm pleased that it was assigned. It would be interesting to hear from other students who feel the same way.


Come and See Africa said...

It is good to know that this obligatory blogging for the course is a push to try out the biosphere.