Monday, December 3, 2007

Web 2.0 presentation continues...

When I heard web 2.0 first day of 830 and I thought I had a lot to learn this semester. I asked myself "what is web 2.0?"

Web 2.0 presentations from last two weeks has been great. I learned a lot more about web 2.0 last two weeks than the first 12 weeks of class. I think presenters gave in depth information about their web 2.0 topics and discuss the practical instructional usage of web 2.0 application.

I am using webpaint for my personal website and for the final project for 830. I downloaded Google Earth and found the church my grandma used to take me when I was little in Korea. I am seriously contemplating the idea of signing up for Second Life and putting up my personal gallery of photos and art work. My work is chicken scribble, compare to Sistine Chapel's mural, but it's exciting to design my own virtual gallery. One of my project during the break will be tagging all my photos in flikr. Did you know you can meet people through Flikr? I just found out that my friend is dating people she met through Flikr site. Well, it's not my way of meeting people, but I guess it works for some people.
I am just waiting for Mac version of IMVU, so I can play around with my avatar.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Web 2.0 expertise presentation: photosharing

Here is my photosharing presentation link.

You can find your flickr email address by clicking on You (tab) >Your Account> Email (tab)> Your Flickr upload email. You can save your flickr email address on your phone and email photos.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

What I learned about PM

I learned that well defined scope and task in the beginning of the project is very important. It helps you plan out your resources and time constraints. Learning project management skill is also vital when you are study. I remember when i was undergrad working on my final project and thinking that I should have manage my time better. Knowing how much time and money you have for the project is important in the business world and in school setting.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Oschi was taking a nap one afternoon,

My Flickr link:
possibly dreaming of fast getaway BMW bike,
or trying a new cuisine,
or his favorite fish,
No, he was dreaming about playing with his brother.

This assignment was frustrating because I was trying not to use my cats' picture to tell a story.
After looking at all my pictures for a week, I realized need to take a picture that tells a story. Most of my pictures are about objects, colors, interest composition, but doesn't tell aLink story. Well, it will be a new challenge for me in terms of my photography hobby to experiment with new ideas.

With the Flickr site, I start using it when Flickr's link was connected with my cellphone. It's pretty convenient. I take the picture from my cell phone camera, upload it directly to Flickr's link. Only downside is that I can't seem to get rid of watermark. I like my phone, but I am trying to advertise it.

My Flickr link:

Monday, October 22, 2007

Knowledge in the head and in the world

Seems like human brain have a finely tuned balance between precision of task and amount of information to memorize and comprehend. Human brain is efficient in that way. Declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, and memory reminded me of learning theories I am learning in ITEC 800. I have noticed that concepts in all the classes I am taking this semester are interrelated and overlaps, which aid my learning process.

Constraints are not always bad. Constraints set by culture or nature are not negative when performing task. It eliminates all the possible ways one can perform a task.

I love animation and penguins.

Do Penguins Fly?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Reino Bad Parking Meter

Don Norman's chapter on “the Psychopathology of Everyday Things” illustrated examples of good and bad designs of everyday things. Norman introduced concepts and tools to critique everyday things in terms of design principle and usability. I had difficult time choosing the “thing” and I reflect on examples that Norman gave in his book. I empathize with Norman's personal experience with Slide projector and telephone. I would have been so frustrated, if I were him, so I picked something that has been frustrating lately. Berkeley/Oakland parking meter has been so frustrating to use, I picked it as a badly designed everyday thing.

Couple years ago, city of Berkeley decided that they were loosing money from parking meters, that they spent millions of dollars installing new parking meters named Reino. Berkley is notorious for lack of parking and giving out parking tickets. You can get multiply parking tickets if you don't move your car or feed the meter. They usually have one to two parking permit dispenser at each block.

Reino has a simple three step procedure visible at the dispenser. It has small monitor that says time limit on that block and information about time of the day. You walk up to this dispenser, first thing you have to decide is method of payment. You can pay in coins or credit card/ debit card. First constraint, if you only have paper currency, and no coins or credit/debit card, then you have to find some nice vendors near the meter to change your money.

Reino inconsistently accepts coins. If you put in one dollar fifty cents in coins, and if any one of those coins does not meet the Reino's standard, it will spit it all out. You have to put the coins all over again. Very time consuming. It has a poor feedback. You are not sure why it wouldn't take your coins. Reino has a small screen that can tell the user what the problem was, but it doesn't say anything.

It gets worst. You put all the change in the machine, and the machine ran out of paper, so it won't print out your receipt. You have to walk over to nearest machine usually on the next block and repeat this process. You have just paid double to park at the meter. If you are really unlucky, if can get a parking ticket, while you walk over to next block to purchse a parking permit. If there no paper in Reino, credit/debit card will have same scenario. You can get a parking ticket and contest the ticket with your credit/debit card statement. However, if Reino's computer screen can says “out of paper” or “out of order” before user put money in, problem can be resolved.

Unforeseen side effect or Reino is lack of bike parking space. There are many bicycle users and when they get rid of old parking meters, they get rid of poles that bicycle riders used to securely lock of their bikes.

Monday, October 8, 2007

World of Warcraft and Neomillennial Learning Styles

Chris Dede claims that Net Generation's learning style has been influenced by technology and media in their formative years. Chris gives examples of MUVE's (Multiuser virtual environments) using avatars, self created digital characters), and the first thing I thought of was an episode of South Park (“Make Love, Not Warcraft") where Cartman and his friends work together in virtual environment to fight the bad guy. However, Chris gives better examples of MUVEs. Using GPS technology and handheld computer simulations, students collect information pertinent to real-world problems.

If Net Generation spent there formative years using blogging, texting, AIMing, and chatting online to communicate socially, I could personally see how the technology can easily translate into classroom setting with careful planning and setting guidelines of curriculum to facilitate learning. Growing up using face to face and voice to voice ,social communication, I have to schedule in blogging time to participate in class discussion. I will be using reverse method and start using blogging socially and incorporate into classroom. I am hoping this will work. But, I am hopefully, since I have already made smooth transition of social emailing to classroom discussion emailing.

I am looking forward to all the technical changes that will appear in learning environment to push MUVE's. Virtual classroom where Hello Kitty leads discussion, maybe...

Can't fake empathy

Daniel Pink's chapter on Empathy in his book A Whole New Mind, he talks about what empathy is why we need it to survive in left brain dominated world. He also makes some suggestions for improving our empathy power. Writing your own cards and taking acting classes were some of creative suggestions for improving empathy. Pink's quote still resonates in my head “you can't fake empathy” There were doctors, teachers, and co-workers that I have interacted with whom I could obviously tell that they were trying to be empathetic. They either read Pink's book or had some sensitivity training about being empathetic, but I could tell that they're not genuine.

Pink also briefly touches on femininely right brain and masculinely left brain and he does not clearly states that men are more detach and less empathetic and women are more attach and more empathetic. It reminded me of plastic pollutants in the environment effecting mammals to be more masculine. However, regardless of gender, everyone in Conceptual Age needs to be able to balance between detachment and attachment.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Educational blogging

Stephen refutes blogging being stereotyped as personal comments and observation by describing origin of blogging. I was surprise to find out that 9/11 was one of the turning point for blogging history. 9/11 event influenced many people's life and they used blogging to personalize this event.

Example of Harvard student Derek Slater's blog and lawsuit following the content of his blog, brings out a very good point. Where does the freedom of speech cross the line of defamation?

How do we get away from obligatory blogging from students and engage students to have "passionate" conversations and discussions? What is the teacher's learning objective for students where learning environment is set in blogging? Some topics or subjects are not suitable for blogging. Just because you have the learning tool, doesn't mean you are required to use it. Or instructors/teachers should use it creatively. I can't image students having a blog about derivatives.

Is blogging a delivery of learning content or a medium for discovering learning process? Both

Stephen's Educational blogging article was informative and engaging, and echoed questions.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I had difficult time reading this article. I have tried five times. I thought it was the size of the font so I got the word document printed. However I still had problem reading this article. So I skimmed through it. George Siemen attempts to answer Verhagen's criticisms about Siemen's earlier article. I was expecting Sieman's response to following questions and still puzzled. I am giving another try and we'll see if I understand it.

21st century learning skills

This article seems very optimistic about current school system especially about the No Child Left Behind Act. I had only heard negative things about the Act. I heard that teachers are planning curriculum around the test and administrators focus on high test scores. Schools are rated on test scores. Article stated that there is a financial constraints in current school system and that will "subside", however I am doubtful. I went to read more about No Child Left Behind Act's ICT Literacy
because the article mentioned ICT Literacy and how the act requires students to be proficient in ICT Literacy by the eighth grade. Also what I heard about the Act and the tone of this article was very different.

I do agree with the point about teaching context that are relevant to student's life, bringing global issues and working in a group setting with real life situational projects.

This article have some important points about learning methods and changes required to meet the changes in working environment for 21st century but I think it was written by people who supported No Child Left Behind Act.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is social network supported by internet technology and driven by users with common interest. Users actively contribute and create dynamic content for discussions or exchange ideas. Users share their idea through rich mediums of audio, video, photos, images, and text. That’s all I know about Web 2.0 and by the way this is my second blog.

I expect to learn more about Web 2.0 from this class.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Judi's First Blog

Well, here is my very first "blog." I think this class will be an interest journey.