Monday, October 8, 2007

World of Warcraft and Neomillennial Learning Styles

Chris Dede claims that Net Generation's learning style has been influenced by technology and media in their formative years. Chris gives examples of MUVE's (Multiuser virtual environments) using avatars, self created digital characters), and the first thing I thought of was an episode of South Park (“Make Love, Not Warcraft") where Cartman and his friends work together in virtual environment to fight the bad guy. However, Chris gives better examples of MUVEs. Using GPS technology and handheld computer simulations, students collect information pertinent to real-world problems.

If Net Generation spent there formative years using blogging, texting, AIMing, and chatting online to communicate socially, I could personally see how the technology can easily translate into classroom setting with careful planning and setting guidelines of curriculum to facilitate learning. Growing up using face to face and voice to voice ,social communication, I have to schedule in blogging time to participate in class discussion. I will be using reverse method and start using blogging socially and incorporate into classroom. I am hoping this will work. But, I am hopefully, since I have already made smooth transition of social emailing to classroom discussion emailing.

I am looking forward to all the technical changes that will appear in learning environment to push MUVE's. Virtual classroom where Hello Kitty leads discussion, maybe...

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hi Judi,
That's a good point about how social emailing has transitioned easily into classroom emailing. You're right-- it seems obvious that other technologies ought to translate just as easily, too, as long as some thought is put into their implementation.
